Einstein's House in Caputh
Am Waldrand 15-17
14548 Schwielowsee OT CaputhPhone +49 (0)331-271780
Business hours
01.04. bis 31.10.saturday
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Uhr
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Uhr
an Feiertagen geöffnet / Besichtigung nur mit Führung. Die Führungen beginnen zu jeder vollen Stunde. Letzte Führung: 17 Uhr
The prominent scientist lived with his family in Einstein’s Summer House from 1929 to 1932. He was able to focus here and relax by hiking and sailing. He called the house in Caputh his paradise, his “Häusle” little house, a place where, as he explained, you were able to not give a hoot about the world. Although the house was originally built as a summer house, Einstein lived there almost throughout the entire year, apart from the coldest months of the year. He only left Caputh from April to November to give talks or appear in public. He enjoyed hiking through the woods or sailing his boat on Lake Templiner See. Visitors can still sense the spirit of Einstein today: in the summer house built by Konrad Wachsmann.
Adults: € 5,00
Reduced: € 2,50 Schüler und Studenten bis 35 Jahre, Hartz IV/ALG II-Empfänger, Behinderte über 50%.
Further information: 4,00 Euro Eintrittspreis bei Vorlage der Schwielowsee-Gästekarte. Kinder bis 6 Jahre freier Eintritt.
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