On Fontane Trail F6
Hiking tours | Länge: 25 kmKontakt
Tourist-Information SchwielowseeStraße der Einheit 2
14548 Schwielowsee, OT CaputhTel. 033209-70899
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Bahnhof Caputh
14548 Schwielowsee OT Caputh
Bahnhof Caputh
14548 Schwielowsee OT Caputh
Distance: 25 kilometres
Start/finish: Caputh-Schwielowsee station
Logo/route sign: horizontal red bar against a white background with the supplement F6
- Train: RB 23 from Potsdam central station to Caputh-Schwielowsee station
- Bus: from Potsdam on bus 607 as far as Caputh-Schwielowsee
- Car: Parking at Caputh-Schwielowsee station
- Caputh ferry Tussy
- Caputh House
- Baumgartenbrück
- Petzow Palace Park
- Ferch Bonsai Garden
Route description: The hike starts at Caputh-Schwielowsee railway station, taking you along the lake promenade to Caputh ferry and on through the town of Caputh to Einstein’s Summer House. The trail continues to Forsthaus Templin. You cross the Havel river over the railway bridge, turning left at Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam and Campingpark Sanssouci, always keeping to the River Havel. At Lake Petzinsee there is a bathing area where you can take a break. The hike continues to Geltow. At the entrance to Geltow, directly after the railway crossing, keep left. Shortly before reaching Caputher Chaussee, turn left through the forest along Wentorfgraben and then continue to the Baumgartenbrücke bridge, which you cross. At the roundabout on the left, continue towards Petzow past Precise Resort Schwielowsee. Behind the former writers’ home, the footpath to the left of the road leads to Petzow Palace Park and through this via Löcknitz to Ferch-Mittelbusch. The route continues along the water to Haus am See and from there through the Mühlengrund past Marina Ferch and Hotel Bootsklause to the Ferch lido. Beyond Ferch campsite there is an ascent – rewarded with a beautiful view over Lake Schwielowsee – to Huteeichenweg, which joins the Ferch-Caputh road again near Flottstelle. Here the path leads you once again through the forest to the entrance to Caputh (Wendeplatz). The trail continues to Schwielowsee railway station and you can end the hike on the lakeside promenade with a view of Lake Schwielowsee.
Possible combinations:
- Around Krähenberg
- Hike through the Fercher Berge hills
- KOMPASS Wanderkarte Havelland, 4in1 Wanderkarte, 1:50000 mit Aktiv Guide und Detailkarten inklusive Karte zur offline Verwendung in der KOMPASS-App., ISBN: 978-3-99044-255-5, Verlagsnummer: WK 745
- Grünes Herz: Rad-, Wander- und Gewässerkarte Havelseen 3: Werder, Potsdam: Mit Fahrland, Glindow, Geltow, Caputh, Ferch, Michendorf. Maßstab 1:35.000. ISBN: 978-3-86636-116-4
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