Around Lake Schwielowsee through Caputh, Ferch and Petzow
Hiking tours | Länge: 15 kmKontakt
Tourist-Information SchwielowseeStraße der Einheit 2
14548 CaputhTel. +4933209-70886
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Landhaus Haveltreff
Weinbergstraße 4
14548 Caputh
Landhaus Haveltreff
Weinbergstraße 4
14548 Caputh
Distance: 15 kilometres
Start/finish: Landhaus Haveltreff, Weinbergstrasse 4, Caputh-Schwielowsee
Logo/route sign: horizontal red bar against a white background with the supplement F6
- Train: RB 23 from Potsdam central station to Caputh-Schwielowsee station, then on to Ferch
- Bus: take bus 607 from Potsdam as far as Feldstrasse
- Caputh ferry Tussy
- Ferch Bonsai Garden
- Petzow Palace Park
- Baumgartenbrück
This scenic walk begins on the eastern shore of the lake in Caputh and offers a magnificent view of the lake as soon as you pass the railway bridge. Walking along Schwielowseestrasse and the villas on the shore, follow the red line markings which fork right onto a forest path. At the bus stop Flottstelle you can choose to continue along the lakeside route (suitable for prams) or follow Huteeichenweg through the forest. In Ferch, the two routes meet again: here you can continue to follow the lakeside promenade towards Petzow. At the Löcknitz you can follow a forest path again by turning right across the road, or else continue along the path that is also used as a cycle path. Petzow landscape park with its washhouse is a lovely place for a rest. Behind Petzow Palace, continue along the lake until you reach Baumgartenbrücke (bridge), passing along the road alongside Lake Schwielowsee, and then cross the River Havel with its wonderful views. Immediately after crossing the bridge, turn right, walk to the left at the bottom of the bridge and follow the little used road beyond the restaurant. Turn right at the next crossing. You can get back to the starting point via Caputh-Geltow railway station and the cable ferry.
The route is also increasingly used by cyclists at the weekend.
Possible combinations:
- Around Krähenberg
- Hike through the Fercher Berge hills
- KOMPASS Wanderkarte Havelland, 4in1 Wanderkarte, 1:50000 mit Aktiv Guide und Detailkarten inklusive Karte zur offline Verwendung in der KOMPASS-App., ISBN: 978-3-99044-255-5, Verlagsnummer: WK 745
- Grünes Herz: Rad-, Wander- und Gewässerkarte Havelseen 3: Werder, Potsdam: Mit Fahrland, Glindow, Geltow, Caputh, Ferch, Michendorf. Maßstab 1:35.000. ISBN: 978-3-86636-116-4
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